Can someone help me find a more efficient solution?

The for loop is repeatable either way. If you use a checker on a hooked property, it works fine because it’s based solely on the property’s value.

What’s a hooked property?

Property hooked to a counter.

I really don’t get how that makes it repeatable, unless you reset the counter each time, but that loses making it repeat any number of times.

It’s case-dependent. Sometimes you’ll want it, sometimes you’ll want something else. It’s useful if you’re just trying to iterate through a player list or something. (You might have to make a temporary variable.)

NO. We are NOT calling it that.

Counterproperty or die.

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Counterproperty is just goofy bro :skull:

Hooked just sounds miles better.

What term for a counter connected to a property sounds better?

  • Counterproperty :skull:
  • Hooked Property
0 voters

“hooked property”


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the first word

i’m not gonna even describe it more, i’m not going to risk for a suspension

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Wow, that’s a very loose connection. The word hook isn’t completely off-limits, dude.


I think the poll doesn’t lie. Counterproperty it is!


It’s ok to be wrong :slight_smile:

also I kinda wanna pull the “I actually do the technical Gimkit” card but I feel like that’s bad form

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