Can properties change their value depending on what channel last sent a signal?

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I have a quick question. I want my property’s value to change depending on what channel sent a signal last.

For example, when channel x sends a signal, the property value is 2. After channel y sends a signal, the property value is now 6, or something along these lines.

Originally, my thought was that I could use block code if statements, but the only channel related block seems to be “send signal on a channel” which is not what I want. The channels are already set to send their signal, I just want the property value to update after they do. Is anyone able to help me with this? I would appreciate it.

Can you spell that out less crowdedly please?

Use counters. Make the counter edit the property and have a default of the number you want to set it. The target should be one more than the number to set, and the target should broadcast on a channel that decrements the counter. The channel to set the property should increment the counter.


Sorry about that, I was rushing. I’ll edit it.

I think I got ChatGPT to sla- I mean make it better:

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all enjoying your summer! I have a quick question. I want to change my property’s value based on the last channel that sent a signal. For example, if channel X sends a signal, the property value should become 2. Then, if channel Y sends a signal, the property value should change to 6, or something similar.

I initially thought I could use block code with if statements, but the only channel-related block I found is “send signal on a channel,” which isn’t what I need. The channels are already set to send their signals; I just need the property value to update accordingly.

Can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate it.

Try my guide!

1 Like

Ok. Thanks for showing me it!

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