Can i use the words War, Gang or Hack?

Why would they not want to mark a solution?

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well, sometimes, they just ask a question then leave. Or ask a question, get their answer, then leave.

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the whole point is to close the topic and not cause clutter.
you’ve said this yourself SO MANY TIMES

and this one on a post where they just put on the resolved tag:


It was actually used before solutions were a thing. People would just use the resolved tag to show their post was solved. And before Regulars made that tag, people would just type [RESOLVED] in the title.


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because the user is currently not active in the forum or does not wish to close it

No im still here its just not letting me edit the post for some reason please help

Welcome @Pickelsaurusrex to the community

Thanks im trying to make my map the best it can be and now im just trying to fix bugs in the map

You don’t need to edit, just click the little solution box at the bottom of whoever solved its’ post…

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