I was trying to create an overlay that says “click” and if you click it, another overlay shows clicks: ___ (however many times you’ve clicked it). how do I do this?
When the overlay is clicked, use a counter or blocks to update a property. Whenever that property is changed, modify the other overlay to show the new property data.
How would I do that? Could you tell me how to code it?
[Overlay Clicked → Increment Counter]
Link the counter to a property. Have the property broadcast on channel X when changed. Have a block in the other overlay that triggers on channel X. The block’s code should be as follows:
Set text:
Create text with:
"Clicks: ",
Get property: Whatever property you linked to the counter
I won’t be able to respond to any more questions until tomorrow morning due to sleep, but someone else might be able to help if necessary!
ok bye! Thanks for the help!
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