Like when you buy the upgrade, everytime you hit them, it does like 3-5 ticks of damage, but only when you buy the upgrade.
when the upgrade is bought.
Sorry to ask but, can you explain what you are trying to do a bit more?
yes indeed just when the upgrade is bought
Are you trying to make something damage someone over time when you buy an upgrade?
like when you buy the upgrade with the vending machine, when you hit someone with a bullet, it does some extra little damage. multiple times
yeah basically that…
like if you have every played Minecraft, when you hit someone with a poison arrow, they take some extra damage on top of the arrow damage.
Sadly it’s not possible.
You can’t really do a fire/burn or poison mechanic sadly; the furthest my mind goes is just simply doing extra raw damage
no like a gadget bullet
this would be easy except for the effects part
it’s not possible to track if a player is getting hit by a gadget bullet
unless you do something crazy but then again the community hasn’t found a way
it’s probably possible but extremely difficult to find
By bullet I mean that Blue thing
see that Blue thing?
that’s the “bullet”
its not possible
I’m telling you
and also
it would be Theoretically possible though to make this possible if you die from the bullet and possibly respawn directly where you died and have an effect from knockout
hold your horses brother…
I have an idea actually and I think I could make my first ever useful code with this
so I call dibs on this Theory I have
bet go for it brother
ain’t no way
but I’m sorry there’s no way. You can’t track hp, physical hp.
Next, you can’t track if a player gets hit. Theres a if player fires gadget but not a if player hit
Unless you do 0.75x damage then make it so they take more damage with poison but you can’t because you don’t know who you hit
so unless a magical miracle discovery happens right now, for me, I can’t solve this and most other gimkitters can’t either.
also gimkitsuggestor can you tell me the idea so I can add on to it if it does actually work