Camera PointBug

huh… that’s weird. that has never happened to me in a solo game

But when I get rid of the second camera Point, the first one works again…

Camera views have an activate on game start???


maybe that’s the problem…?

the only settings for the camera Point is activate when receiving on and deactivate when receiving on.

The camera view inside a camera view should have priority…

than its already active on game start

devices that don’t have an active on game start are on by default

its not because with the first one its activated via a lifecycle. without the lifecycle, it doesn’t work.

its actually a camera Point, I thought it was a view too.

a camera point…? I have never used that before

I don’t know if this is a bug, or if the game is intended to only have one camera Point.

yeah, it changes where the player sees.

even if they are on the other side of them map it’ll still change the camera.

I think the big problem here is that we dont really know what the problem is, if you added like pictures and stuff I think that would help

I mean, how would you like me to add pictures?

pics inside the settings of the device and jst everthing

Wait… is your camera point not activating on game start? Is that the problem?

I can’t really add pictures cause it would leak Brainfugd.