Boss for my BR map

I have been building my BR map for a while now and I have finally reached the biggest POI on my map that revolves around the lore but after that I am thinking of adding one more POI and boss so the map doesn’t feel empty ideas for the POI and boss.

So what are you asking for exactly?

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Exactly i am asking for a idea for a POI boss and their mythic

What is the theme of your BR game?

The @Slim lim
Powers: Can mesmerize you in under 10 seconds.
Gadget: P.M.L
Skin: Custom Stitch Skin.

despite reading all this, no glaze on slim.

That’s more powerful then I am irl

Also why the glaze again :sob:


Well there is no teme exactly just a story and that only revolves around two POIs and Bosses so come up with what ever you want

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idk what no glaze means or how to make a custom gim

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Well what is the story, I need to know the story.


One minute i made a post with the story let me find it and copy and paste it here

So on the map, there is a mysterious corrupted lab overgrown with a new species called Species X. The species is building a hive and it’s growing out of control. But who built this lab? The man who built this lab has disappeared. But then out of nowhere, construction for a new lab has began. Word is in the lab they are building a device that will blow up are island so the species does not grow and leave the island. Other weird things are happening on the island the water is drying up, heat is intensifying, and plants are dying. The device has accidentally created something so hot it is bringing the island to a desert biome. And it has the power to end the island with the snap of its hand. The people of this island must stop the nefarious scientist and the new being that walks there island before its to late. Any ideas…

But i have designed my game to where the map evolves transferring in to a season 2 and so forth

Ok! Thanks for the info. Give me one minute to think

What is your other boss an what gadget does he have?

What about a desert with a desert village poi. There could be the cowboy boss
Rocky West | Gimkit Wiki | Fandom

The boss’s gadget is a PML. The lore is that he was the boss of the island before the bad thing happened

Okay that sounds awesome but maybe for season 2 because season 2 will be desert themed

What about having an inanimate object as a boss e.g. a haunted tv or a “meteor” controlled by an alien?

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and idk how to make custom gims

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Ok, I’ll make another one for season 1.
A village (happy village) that was taken over by a group called the Outcasts
Their leader is Ace (day one skin)
Day One | Gimkit Wiki | Fandom
Use market things to decorate the village and you can buy stuff from the people like gadgets and healing items. Make the Ace building in the center of the town that contains the Crimson Day One.

His gadget is the evil eye. When you eliminate him he also gives you a medallion and a purple evil eye.


eh he is already a bot on the island that you can talk to but he will play a key role in season 2

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