Blocks for 6-property check

I’m having trouble making and designing blocks for a game, where there is a block that checks out of 6 properties, which one is the greater one. And when there is a tie, the random one is chosen (of the tied properties) And each property broadcasts on channel if it is a greater property.

Ask any questions if you don’t understand :)

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Can you show me pictures of the properties and their settings, please?



This is a non-looping solution, which just checks to see if each property is greater than the greatest currently found, and if so, sets it as the new greatest. After it’s done comparing all the properties, it broadca.sts on the channel associated with the greatest property. To handle ties, it just picks the first highest it sees (which is pretty much just random, or at least not very predictable).


Couldn’t you also use a bunch of checkers to save memory, or no?

I guess, I don’t work with checkers cuz usually I do stuff that can’t be implemented without block code. That’s why I default to blocks.

This does sound like a fun thing to try and do, I’ll probably give it a shot at implementation when I finish my homework.

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you cant compare two properties with checkers, i know :frowning:
this is why blocks win outside of memory usage
also checkers were previously broken, this has been fixed now but i never trust them anymore

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Alr, I’ll check it later, I’m busy today.


No, they don’t work properly. (don’t think so)

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