Bitwise operations in gimkit

Oof, this is HARD, no wonder no one has found a solution!

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I have no clue what any of this means :face_exhaling:

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I mean, this is a (I think) computer science/coding major in college (correct me if I’m wrong) asking the question, so it kinda makes sense that nobody has a clue to what the answer is.

What is the importance of this solution? Is it game-breakingly good, or does it add some new mechanic?

I’m not in college lmao

I’m a sophmore in highschool


This used to be a massive problem with text displays, however, I fixed it by lobbying josh to just update block code to add the features this problem was emulating. This problem itself is still fascinating, and is open to any solutions anyone has.

Oh, my bad. Still pretty advanced compared to all us middle schoolers.

Wait bh is in my grade!!!??

Now I feel even more dumb :sob:


An idea is forming in my head that probably won’t work given the complexity of this problem and the relative simplicity of this answer, but I’ll put it here in case it actually does help solve the problem:
Take the two numbers, convert them to binary using something something multiplication, compare each digit, then convert it back to base-10.
Come to think of it, this is probably what you were already thinking, so I’ll spend some time tomorrow trying to see if I can actually enact it.

Are the two numbers the same length in binary? If not then I’m probably not going to be able to figure it out.

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I don’t remember if they’re the same length, but if they aren’t you just fill in the extra missing digits in the smaller number with zeros.

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@Blackhole927 how are you this smart???

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I think binary.
(Quick question - are you 13 or over? I know not many seventh graders are yet.)


If you don’t understand how bitwise operations work, you should at least read #1 and spend time thinking about it before making a useless comment about you not understanding bitwise operations.
There are almost 800 posts in this topic with no solution found yet.
We don’t need more posts clogging this up.


Simple proof it’s impossible:

  • Computers are built to work with bits, and compare it natively (it compares the physical bits).
  • This question is basically asking how to compare bits using algebra. Algebra doesn’t work with binary representations.
  • Bitwise operations are literally are not designed for anything other then use with binary bits (which you can’t do in gimkit creative).

The only way to do it in gimkit is recursion (which has alot of lag).

For anyone new seeing this topic, string operations solves the problem in general, and this post is now just asking if such math exists to solve it without looping (which does not).


@Blackhole927 Can you summarize the last 800 posts? I don’t want to read them all. I also want to confirm if the original post is still accurate with the info.

It would take an hour or two to read them all…


Half of them are discussing why he wants them and a workaround for that purpose. The other half is people saying that it’s really hard and that they don’t understand it.


I am content with one half, and I just shake my head at the other…

What recursion loops we talking about?
(Recursion loops are vague to me, and I don’t know what the rest is)


It’s not impossible
Look at this @jjnitzan

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:skull: You can prove that things aren’t impossible, you know. You need to think about it first. The post by bh says that most things in gkc aren’t impossible, emphasizing most.