Bitwise operations in gimkit

You acknowledge my existence?

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Yay I’m pretty good!

I made it into S tier? Wow. ABOVE NAVY! I have no comment.

Isn’t that an unordered list?

All tier lists are ordered unless said otherwise.


How and why did I make it to S Tier?!

Bc you stole ClicClac’s moon.

I mean, anyone can basically explain why.


What was the story around that?

You know that ice blue ball on navy’s wing? That’s the Antarctic moon that ClicClac resides in, so ClicClac’s view of the stars is blocked

At least I think. Might be wrong.


Look at @ClicClac’s profile
(Sorry for the ping!)

It’s not MY moon, it’s just the moon that used to orbit the Gimkit planet. Me and @im_pretty_cool just happened to be on it at the time of the heist.


Yay, i’m prominent !

Should this be in Devices?


I know i was shocked that i made the list!

Just procrastinating this…

WHY HAS EVERYONE CHANGED THEIR PFP please tell me is there something i missed?