Better knockout detection?

The knockout manager detects at a large delay, and I need to find a way to tell when you get knocked out by a specific damager
I have it set up so that every second you are in a zone, it does increasing amounts of damage
but if you get knocked out, it doesn’t detect you leaving the zone, and never turns off the damager
I tried using a knockout manager but it detects a knockout at a large delay, causing you to take large amounts of damage before it triggers

Use the life cycle and set it to player knocked out or player knocks out is the only other way(I think)

Note, that my system works perfectly with no issues if you leave the zone

wait thats a really good idea I’mma try that I forgot about lifecycles

okie, quick question
is there a way to detect which player got knocked out or something
There’s multiple ways to get knocked out, so I don’t want a player becoming immune to the damager just because someone else got knocked out

Lifecycle, when player is knocked out, transmit on channel.

yeah, but

If another player gets knocked out to something unrelated then the damager stops working before it should.

Anytime a player get’s knocked out, no matter how they d1ed, it should work as long as they are in the zone.

Doesn’t the lifecycle device work on the entire map?
If someone across the map gets knocked out to something else, it would still trigger the lifecycle, turning off the damager, likely before it is supposed to turn off

Yeah, your right, but you could wire it to, when someone enters the zone, lifecycle activates, and when they leave the zone, it deactivates?

You can’t deactivate a lifecycle

… New plan! let me expiriment on this and I will get back to you!

I’m experimenting with a trigger connected to a lifecycle rn btw

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life cycle event player knocked out, it only will broadcast on behalf of the person who got knocked out.

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Using a trigger set to player, it means that each player can have the trigger on or off on their own, meaning another player getting knocked out wont affect the trigger (I think) but it seems to work

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wait really?
I didn’t know that

yeah, its in the official Gimkit creative documentation

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good to know

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