Bedwars Thumbnail requestt

i gotta go to bed, art piece will be delayed till morning, sry :frowning:


You get sleep? I’ve never met a person like that before.

i think you aren’t supposed to make thumbnail requests. if anyone else does it, please flag them. its not allowed.

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It’s allowed now
I think

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I just came back from my weekend breaks cause I always don’t go on the forums on the weekends, and…

I just have to say, your essay was put together beautifully. Like a piece of music melodically syncing together perfectly. I do agree I with the fact thumbnail requests are not on-topic at all and that it’s not necessary for a gimkit creative maps success. A simple one made by the creator can do.

But your work was kind of for something. It informed many people, but they are probably just gonna ignore it and walk along their day still participating in the creation of thumbnails.


Read reliefr’s post, it isn’t.


Then why is there so many?

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Did you read the post?

Go to their post.

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This is explained in reliefr’s post, but I’ll summarize it.

People see other people breaking the rules (asking for thumbnails) and think its okay because someone else is doing it. It’s not allowed, but so many people don’t read the rules.

Also: Hypocrisy


eh, it kinda was. we dont really listen here a lot, you see (you prob know that you’re 99% an alt of some sensible user)

my advice is just to hope that someone posts about mechanics and answer that?

i mean, nice speech, im all up for speeches, and maybe your speech did make an impact, but the opinion’s of most of the troublemakers will stay the same and most people will most likely fight harder.


Just read that section now. I should not make any of those now…

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It’s okay, the biggest problem here is that people keep making thumbnail requests even after being informed that it’s against the rules. You’re fine if you stop doing it in my opinion!


I’m just a person that doesn’t sleep a lot. I’m not that smart, (Obviously)
But I keep trying!

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It’s time to start typing. You see, I love to draw even though I’m not good at it. So I made a goal to make 1,000 Thumbnails, but science they aren’t allowed for requests, do I have to stop?

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there’s always other sites

wix, padlets, and the discord.

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I believe you could always share them if you made your own thumbnail for yourself. I don’t know if this is true though. You can also do what @Txme_Lxss said!

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Screenshot 2024-04-28 10.12.17 PM

You’re a Epic person. You’re in my bio now.

I might need to dig deeper to see if I can.

I feel honored, thanks!

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