Base Capture Help

Ok, I’m having trouble with my base Capture system help.

What I made (simplified)

I had 2 zones and 2 barriers, one for each team. The barrier could only be activated by one certain team. [1] Then, when the player is in the zone, a countdown starts. You have to be in the zone for 7 sec to claim it. If you leave, the timer resets. Once it reaches 0 [2] it deactivates the zone and barrier and activates the other zone and barrier, now it belongs to the other team. Here’s a visual to try to help.

Zone belongs to Team 1
Barrier color of Team 1: Active and set to blue.
Team 2 walks into zone
Countdown to 0 reached
Team 1 zone deactivates -> Team 2 zone activates
New barrier activates and deactivates the old one: New Barrier 
color red; Team 2 owns
Team 2 has taken control of the base.

Ok, not really a visual, but it should work like this. The problem is, I can’t get Team 1 to take back the base, and if 2 people are inside when the countdown is happening, it bugs out and the counter goes into the negatives.

Recap: How the system should work

If the zone belongs to Team 1, the zone shouldn’t do anything if a Team 1 member goes into it, but should do something if a Team 2 member steps is.

They should stay in the zone for 7 seconds for takeover of the base. If they leave before the countdown is over, the timer resets.

When the countdown is finished, the zone should switch to Team 2 and work the same as only activating if stepped on by another team.

Ok, I think that’s it. If this system is impossible [3] just tell me and I’ll have to work on a different system.

Yes, I looked at other help topics, they didn’t help.

  1. I wired the zone to a trigger and had the trigger only be activated by a certain team ↩︎

  2. I start at 7 and decrement every 1 sec ↩︎

  3. Do NOT give me the Blackhole post Nothing Is Impossible ↩︎

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Um, linking one guide, then I’ll help you with the rest.

For @Toothless

That’s not true! You’re super helpful! It’s just the inactivity of many users, it’s not you.

[From your bio]

I don’t think this guide is related to the questions though.

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Only for one part of the guide is it useful.

Sorry for the late reply, but I checked out the guide. It’s basically having the barrier deactivated if you are in the right team. I need the barrier to be open to both teams, or else how will the other team steal the base?

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Oh… I thought you wanted it to be open to only one team…

Hold on, I’m going to test something, and I’ll get back to you in this post.

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Ok, apparently this disappeared, but I still need help with this.