Barrier Art Please!

Hi, I am new to Gimkit Creative and have been building a BR Map for a few months now. I am now on the biggest thing in my map the thing that my lore revolves around. Since there is no prop for what I want I guessed it would be easier to make it out of barriers. I basically am asking for a ain’t laser made of barriers. I want a red core in center and like a nozzle that goes up that the laser will funnel through.

please move the topic to Art and remove the tag resources

and BH also said something like this

resources: this is the strongest tag in GImkit creative

and then I don’t remember and can’t find it, so yeah

i got it! dont worry :D
@Monoreuk fixed!

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You could’ve just bumped your other art topic…
Anywho, which design do you like better?
And do you want it vertical or horizontal?

I like both designs hard to pick one I like the complexity of one but I like the concept of 2 I might find a way to maybe combine these two in a way

Sorry I thought I had put it in art. And idk why I put the resources tag sorry.

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How did you fix my post???

As regulars they can edit your post.

Wow, must take a lot of trust for someone to hand someone that kinda power
But anyways let’s not get off-topic

Is the laser mechanical, or similar to the plant lasers?

The laser will not actually be functioning and I am not going to be using the laser device.
I basically want a statue that looks like it can blow up an island it is part of the lore and the map will evolve season by season.

For Season 2 redesigns, you could have vines on it if at the Oasis, or otherwise discolored from sand/rust.

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okay this may be freaky but you reached out to me in a earlier post and gave me a bunch of ideas for my map to evolve and I remembered almost all of them because I absolutely loved them and that was one of them and I’m assuming you remember because I never said what season 2 was going to be…

sorry but i have to go

Tried to mix both together for you :slight_smile:


Wow ( :heart:)

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Okay, that is amazingly awesome that is going in my game!!!
Thank you so much !!! :smile: :smiley:
Now if I do use it do I have to include your name in the title?
Again TYSM!!

but when i build it i will build it vertical again thank you!

that looks so cool

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This is what I had built first lol…

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