Barrier art of a chain link

Hey there in my game i want some barrier art of a chain link. 30 links long please

Are you sure you want to use barriers? It will be really hard to get the perfect oval shape… You could just use text with emojis:
:chains: :link:

well yeh i do because check my help post

okay ill do it

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ok good luck your going to need it

White or black chain?

Gray or none of above

okay well a simple on is circle barrier alpha 0.01 border yes
Screenshot 2025-02-04 12.43.27 PM

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0.01 border? what do you mean[quote=“G-Code549, post:8, topic:143304, full:true”]
okay well a simple on is circle barrier alpha 0.01 border yes
Screenshot 2025-02-04 12.43.27 PM


I mean The barrier is a circle and has a border with alpha 0.01

alpha 0.001 what does that meaaaan

its invisible

why is i invisible