(Art Help) Desert

You literally said it yourself.

It donā€™t, but that user was yourself, and you ask for ideas and you got them, so why mark your post when you didnā€™t do the work? That is what i mean, the user who HELPED solve your question is who it goes to.

Ok, I understand your point but I was just stating that you did care. How is that inappropriate?

Alright guys, you should probably stop arguing or it will cause a flame war.
Letā€™s leave this as it is.


because you said a not allowed word for the forum.

It means mad. How is that inappropriate?
used to express anger, frustration, or annoyance.

because this is kid friendly and that would not be categorized as kid friendly. Next time just say mad.


Ok, can you unflag it tho? Itā€™s hardly non kid friendly and if I said Iā€™m ____ at you, that would be different than Iā€™m ________.
Also, it sticks on my reputation forever.

I donā€™t believe unflagging is possible in Discourse (or at least not in this forum)

  1. Nobody can see how many flags you have
  2. you can still become a regular
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No, the requirement is that you must have less than 5 inappropriate or spam flags. and itā€™s permanent.

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I canā€™t unflag a post, no one can. But the rules are rules and I understand what you mean, but I have to report it if i am to do my job correctly.


You can still be premoted early, you need to be 100 days old and 50 days active, and i got premoted and 45 days active 53 days old. It sticks to your reputaion by the community members seeing you do it over and over, also only a mod can see the number of flags you have.

On a completely unrelated note (sorry for off-topic) but how do I request ban for myself?

you have to become dragon_gamer lol. im guessing you dont know him

No donā€™t leave!
But if you really want to, I suppose you would message the mods
And DONT ban speedrun like DARK said

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Edit: If it was a speedrun, I would have been gone a long time ago
now letā€™s get back on-topic, sorry

yea dont. it will ruin ur reputation more

Uhā€¦ I donā€™t actually know how

You go to groups, click moderators, and then click message. I would not leave because some choices are made out of anger and will haunt you later. Just take a break and think about it later. But if you wish to you now know how.

Iā€™ve done that before for other reasons and they never respond and I never see that I successfully messaged them.