I want A picture of Ghostume hold A wooden wand And Rocky west Holding A Sling Shot ready to Fight
Please use this format when asking for a thumbnail
1)name of game
2)summary of game
5)gim actions
6)author of game
ok Name is Spooky Hotel summary is Escape a Hotel and gims are Rocky west and ghostume gim actions are Ghostume Holding a wooden wand and rocky west holding a sling shot author of game is Jael
floor is Purple Dungeon With Gray Stone Barrier as walls
I’ll make one for you
I’ll try and see if it comes out good
Actually Pretty Good Godly_N
Whoops! I nearly forgot about this! I’ve got to get started.
I might make one (key word: MIGHT)
(By the time typing this, i’m watching a AHS about the backrooms)
Sorry Im Late I Was Busy And Looks Really Good
i’m starting my thumbnail!
Im Working On My 2nd Game right Now If You Guys Want You Make A thumbnail Spooky Hotel 2 Fighting Sentries Setting is purple Stone Barriers With Black Carpet Gims Are Fair Play With Time Keeper And Shadeborn With wooden wand Author Is Jael