Anyone want to help

Anyone want to build a Steven Universe game with me?

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Asking for collabs in here isn’t allowed.

Anyway, if you want to collab with someone, I suggest asking around in the Wix or Discord instead.

Edit: Confirmed asking for collabs isn’t allowed.


Welcome to the forums, however, you can’t post codes or collaboration requests here, it is not allowed.

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Ask about things here
NOT collabs
Like questions on systems.

Wixsite (code sharing)

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ok, I got that. Thank you

Please mark soulution

Also welcome to the forums!!

No problem!

Just wanted to clarify what @CustomCoaster said there, you can ask the forums for help on map building for your Steven Universe map. If you have any questions about the rules of this forum, please refer to this post:

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it says “pending”. How do you get in that group?

You just wait until they say you can jo1n, it took me a while till I was permitted.

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You have to wait for someone to approves you[1] before you can join.
@Toothless I murdered and ate too much people!
check raw edit history

  1. usually you have to wait for 10 years /j ↩︎


“Ten years” :skull:

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welp, i’ll just resort to guessing codes.

I’ll let you in, I’m a moderator on that website

NotYoyo, didn’t you ask for suspension or something from the forums? Or was I wrong?
I don’t fully remember. :sweat_smile:

Edit to NotYoyo: oh, okay!

For NotYoyo's eyes only

Then why were you suspended?

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Please tell me your username on there @Tropicool

Wait, your on of the mods?

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