Anyone know if I can make a safe zone?

im trying to have one area where you can fire and one where you can’t

There is a zone setting that makes it so you can’t fire gadgets

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Yes, look up “zone” in the devices tab and scroll down until you find the option (scroll down in the zone options tab)

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ok, thanks you this will help a ton

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Add the zone gadget and in Featured settings I think there should be an option to click
“Gadget Fire” “Yes” or “No”

If your question is solved please mark the most helpful post as a solution!

Ya there might be guides so can you check.

This topic has been resolved…? Has it?
(It’s been 43 minutes)

For Slim Only

Not you too! Another lost to the weird-thumbnail cult-thing!!!

For Unit_72

I know It’s sad Another one LOST.=(

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