Any idea on tracking a player's coordinates?

I know it involves zones, but IDK how.

Alright, it would take a lot of memory, but you need a zone at every coordinate you want to track, all with a player enters → transmit on.




Add a property called PlayerLocation, and make it text. Make sure it’s scope is player.

Now add a trigger on every zone.

They should all look like this but “Trigger When Receiving On” should match the tile they sit on.

Inside the trigger, they need the following block code, again matching the trigger with the zone’s coordinates.

(This is the top-left trigger)

(This is top-right)


(Bottom right)

As you walk through the zones, it should change the property to the current coordinates that you are standing in. This is untested, so tell me about any errors in my theory.


Mind if I turn this into a guide? I’ve seen a few help posts about this.

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Ok! Fine with me :smiley: you can turn it into a guide if you want to

Thank you @EggNoodle for the challenge. Maybe I’ll dare the GimVengers to make their own versions…

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Well that would work but would sure take a lot of time to name a location in every zone! Is there any other way to make it simpler with maths or something?

You know the Scratch x and y system? I was tryna make something like that.

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That’s true. It might take a while to program. Give me a few days, okay? Look for this: The Tamian Coordinate System, Version 2.

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Gimkit does have coords, but they aren’t accessible in game for some reason. Maybe the devs will add a device for this in the future, but for now we have to make our own coords.

How’d ya know?

I am gimkit hackerman.

wow, so cool :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

All you have to do is look around in the inspect element code source files, and you can see a coordinate system. With gimhook (a gimkit modding client), you can also access those coordinates.

Screenshots please :slight_smile:

@Anythinger check the edit

@LxmasHaxTakis check the edit

@Blackhole927 How do you use Gimhook? I tried installing it.

Did you get it installed? If so, you can download mods from the gimhook discord. If not, j0in the gimhook discord and ask for help installing.

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