Announcements/Additional Rules

This is a topic that contains announcements and rules that pertain to the forums. It’s closed for replies, but it will be bumped to the top whenever it is updated with something new. Please don’t link this post to new users, it’s really not necessary. If you have any questions or concerns regarding what’s posted here, you can contact the mod team here.

(To save you reading time, new announcements/rules are bolded)


These rules and announcements are no longer maintained by @Blackhole927. Instead, the current staff team manages them.

Additional Rules.

  1. No hard to read text please, it’s annoying to moderate.
  2. No posting Emails, Padlets, Google Docs, Canvas, Link Shorteners, Self-Hosted Forums, or any other off-forum communication method besides the Official Discord and WIX, anywhere. This includes bios.
  3. No more bubble wrap infinite bumps. They’re just annoying.
  4. NO dropdown chains. They’re annoying to read, and annoying to moderate.
  5. Thumbnail polls and ideas polls are not allowed as they encourage chatting. Therefore, don’t post polls with that use case.
  6. Devices is not a trash can.
  7. Before posting in a research topic, read #1 comprehensively, and do not bump research topics without contributing new information.
  8. Reusable bumps are fine as long as those types of bumps don’t lead to being used for a hidden chat. If they become a hidden chat please flag them.