I Need Help With A Among Us Task Bar. I Tried One Guide, But They Removed Images Of Blocks.
When you complete a task, make it send a channel that will increase a counter. Set the counter to update a property.(called x)
Then, open a game over lay and in blocks add
Set text: Create Text With:
Tasks Completed:
Get property, X.
Use an overlay that tracks the value of the property tasksremaining
through blocks. Use another device that decreases the value of tasksremaining
by one whenever the player completes a task and then broadcast on a channel when tasksremaining
is equal to 0.
(sorry, I can’t take screenshots right now)
OK, Let Me Try These!!
What do you mean by “Set the counter to Update A Property”?
It’s in the settings.
Btw you can name the property anything you want, it doesn’t necessarily have to be X.
Does The Channel In the Task Completed have to be the same as in the counter?
It doesn’t. It just to label them. But I do recommend keeping it to “tasks Completed:”
I named it Grits!!!
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