Ability cooldowns

i am working on a game and want to add an ability but one is really op and I need to find a way to give it a 3-minute cooldown any ideas?

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What ability is it chtfsyt?

an ability that gives a 10x damage multiplier for 1 minute

Is it an overlay ability?

Oh that’s easy
have it trigger with a 10x damage multiplier in a damager boost device with something that lasts 1 minute in the other setting

its in a lifesteal game and costs 250 hearts

no i need an ability cooldown

Make an overlay that deactivate/hide itself when pressed.

Overlay button (pressed) β†’ Damage Boost (Damage boost activate)
Overlay button (pressed) β†’ 90 seconds delay Trigger (trigger)
Trigger (trigger) β†’ Overlay (show overlay)


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ohhhh tysm @notyoyo thats very helpful

No problem.

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