A Player Selector

Can you stop right now?

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hi, im back

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i littreally forgot how long you guys been at this that i been watching and reading the enitre time (like how @WolfTechnology did)


I did set the id to leader


Can we start? Also, @IlliniSD, do you use tagging?

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I noticed when you open the popup I open too

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Do you give the impostor a gun to kill, or let them tag to kill?

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yes i use tags

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same here I use tags

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Ok. Maybe set the tagging channel to just reset Player Id?

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Bruh how long has this been posted? I see 872 replies. That’s gotta be a record! lol :rofl:


ok i will

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okay first @LandynSPEEDO802 welcome to the forum second off topicing not allowed here espically this but hey your new it a first time mistake anyway if you need help you can alway trust @trust_level_3 but we hope we can help you out and you can do the same if you need to know the rules always read the community guidelines.

[quote=“LandynSPEEDO802, post:886, topic:6664, full:true”]
Bruh how long has this been posted? I see 872 replies. That’s gotta be a record! lol :rofl:

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Sorry! I didn’t know.

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it really okay you just joined it a first time mistake if you need to know anything read the community guidelines.

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K. Thanks! (This 20 character minimum is so annoying though)

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Got to go now. Sorry!

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bye, thanks for your help!