A Fishes way to make a rocket ship! (⬜)

This is my first ever post on Gimkit! Reply with things I can improve on if you want to. Because I joined recently I can only have one image sadly :sob: so I’ll only have the result

You will need:

  1. Metal sign (Pointy short one)

  2. Metal sign (Long one)

  3. Metal sign (Short one) (also optional)

  4. Molten Lava Bucket

Step 1. Place the Pointy Metal Sign on top of the long metal sign

Step 2. Put the Molten Lava Bucket at the bottom.

Step 3 (optional) Put the Short Metal Sign on the Long Metal Sign.

Bonus! A full rocket (not just the boosters)
Step 1. Copy and paste the booster and make it larger

Step 2. Add Metal Poles on the sides

And your done!
(I don’t know how to make poles so type in 1-10/10 if you want)


wow that’s cool and welcome to the forums I rate 8/10

thats great! also welcome!

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Welcome to the Forums @PacifishFishter.

To make a poll you’d hit the gear symbol when typing out a topic or reply. You’d then scroll down until you see “Build poll”. [1]

This type of guide has been made before, but it seems most of those guides had their images removed due to the error the forums had.

Generally, I don’t rate these types of things; but I’d say it’s about an 8/10. It’s pretty original- and that sets it apart from other guides.

One thing I recommend is using Summaries to shorten the length of this guide. For example:


You could put details in this all you want without it taking up much space.

Overall, Good job.

  1. Same with the drop-downs I mention earlier. They’re called summaries. ↩︎

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1 other thing, :white_large_square:, not :green_square:.

Oh, remove the ideas tag.

nice guide / art : D

:fire: peak first post :fire: absolute cinema :fire:

Wow, I think it’s great! I think you could add some barriers to make it look better, though.

Also, @PacifishFishter, you have limited replies on your first day. Use them wisely!

(whoops wrong topic)


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Good job rocket maybe make some of the signs straighter tho

I don’t have a mouse

I use touchpad.

Skill issue fr fr (jk) also the bottom looks a bit weird maybe make the lava bucket layer over the poles?

I could change the metal bucket color to this

A Fishes way on a Player Sized Rocket!
This is not a 1:1 recreation on the one I built, it is to help you know how to build them (Low description because your supposed to use your imagination)

Tip 1

This is obvious but make a shape of a rocket with a terrain (like the rocket shown in the photo)

Tip 2

You can either make a booster by Terrain Blocks or make one out of props

Tip 3

Add little details, like spaceship suit, command center and anything you can think of!

Tip 3 is the only one kind of important

This is causing some clutter, so maybe edit the original post to include this?

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I have no clue how to delete posts