A bug I've found

I’m using this bug as an excuse to post this, but basically when I played a platformer map, I would go up a ramp sides in a weird manner. Like I go up the slope like sideways

Second, there’s a physics option in the map options now.

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That’s intentional. it’s part of the “realism”
have you never played a platformer map with slopes before?


I have

I’ve done parkour slopes but I literally walk up the slopes like that

usually that never happens for me

maybe its a bug on my end but that literally used to never happen to me

The fact that it didn’t happen is a bug.


Exactly, I thought no one experiences this but it looks like I’m the only one who’s never experienced walking up a slope and there’s no animation like that

(just gonna mark your reply as a solution so no chat)

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Pretty sure this is intentional.
A lot of bugs appeared after the recent update.

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Yeah, a ton of bugs showed up after lol

Also congrats on regular lol (I lost mine but oh well not like I’m gonna be super active on the forums anymore anyway)


the physics tab has been there for like over a month

when a slope is tilted in the right angle, you kinda slide up it in like one animation

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