3-D Layering Terrain Art

I tripped and fell and, thump!
I hit the ground with a bump!

I read that as “Thwomp” from Super Mario.

Can I put this in this guide? It’s a disco floor with stairs around it.

Code Inactive.
I added a little bit of shading.

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Thx for this, I’m prob gonna use this to make my stuff look actually decent

Isn’t Gimsolver banned until August

Yeah. Unfortunate, tbh.

…then who made this guide.


This was likely preban.
Right, KrishnaVA?

Yes. This was made in January.

Wait, he was banned? Why?

I don’t know, but his brother was definitely involved.

Okay, so @WhereIsMyCrown was involved?

I don’t know. Someone told me he was involved. But, idk


