2nd Game Mode Ideas

I have just published my first map, Scenarios. It has one mini game called Endeavor’s Climb. I want to create a second mini game, but I ran out of ideas. Please help.

Click this to help narrow down your ideas.

It is a platform map.

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That was a great idea! If this is a platforming map, you can create a tag mini game

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Try looking at this guide, it may have some ideas you may like. 4 things to put for minigames (Games and Decorations)

It is a platform map. Not top down.

what about a free for all type map or team player maps?

  1. Treasure Hunt

You can hide treasures around your selected area and the players must find all of the treasures in a certain amount of time to win that minigame

What you need:

  • A timer
  • A system of some sort to check if you found all the treasures (example: counter with a target number connected to a property, which is then connected to a checker device)
  • A popup to tell you whether you completed the challenge or not
  • Treasure! Either cool props, or barrier art, or text :coin: :gem:
  • Buttons

  1. A maze

What you need:

  • Terrain
  • Possibly Barriers (not needed)
  • Props
  • An entrance and an exit
  • Sentries if you want to give the player a surprise
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