2 Thumbnails for "Narutory's Knockback Mania" (Top-down version--&--Platform version)

  1. Name of Game
    Narutory’s Knockback Mania / Narutory’s Knockback Mania 2

  2. Summary of Game
    a. Players enter game,
    b. Players vote on whether or not there should be a player boss,
    c. After players vote, they vote on how many lives all players should have.
    d. The host selects “Gamemode” and “Amount of Lives” for everybody.
    e. All players are teleported to the map and are given a started zapper but can buy better weapons such as “Zappers, Wands, Pixelators, Snowball launchers, Blasters, etc”. They can also buy speed and damage boosts.
    f. If a player gets shot into a barrier, then they lose a life. Once a player reaches 0 lives, they are turned into spectators. Fragility is the mode.

  3. Setting
    Picture 1 (Top-Down): Grass, maybe some trees, tall grass, etc, Not too much though, Players getting shot into the top of the picture, sad, maybe some random between 400-750 fragility, bright red.

Picture 2 (Platform): Floating islands, Any terrain, side of islands should be slighter shorter than the picture size, generous distance between island and top/bottom of picture. Should show 3 players, one small gim in the background, 2 bigger gims fighting, one of them is getting shot into the clouds with a random fragility between 500-800, the one on the ground has a very low fragility, between 40-140. Looks like he /she had got shot into a wall, some lines showing the direction that the gim had got shot from.

  1. What gims you want to be used
    Picture 1: Horizono and Tropicool
    Picture 2: (small one:)Summit seeker, (Ground:) Zenith, and (Sky:) Sunny

  2. Author of Game


i might try to do this

thank you very much.


your welcome (my brother @metal_sonic-1 is doing one)

tell your brother I said thanks


@0w0_Cat Would you be able to try and make this? I would appreciate it very much


@Gimslayer @0w0_Cat Would you be able to try and make this? I would appreciate it very much, (P.s. I tried your guys’ games, they are so cool. )


i might try if i have time @NarutoryDaGoatyMoaty but im not sure since im busy with school


i like gimkit too lol.
and also im gonna make a thumbnail for the platformer one

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so i can’t really make a small gim in the background since it’s platformer and not 3D the perspective wouldn’t look good. But is it ok if there is like a small gim in the air and the other two is just fighting?

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Can I choose some of the gims for the thumnail? I am better at drawing certain gims. :3


Can me and 0w0 draw the ghost gim (i don’t really like the expermient gim anymore) ,fuzzfoot, and Crimson Cruz instead of the gim’s you said?
It was 0w0’s susgestion

if you know what i mean


@0w0_Cat @GimSlayer You two do whatever you want


that’s ok, Miss you guys tooooo!!!


Ok thanks. I already have a sketch planed out. :slight_smile:


are you currently online?

@0w0_Cat Are you currently online?

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Progress. :smiley: I’m trying a new style of thumbnail.

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I dont know if i can finish my thumbnail. I started it but i have to study for my state test. So i migjt not finish it…


OMG, That looks sooooo cooooollllllll AMAZING!!!

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