EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 10:23:49 UTC | #1 ## All codes seen are invalid. With the newly added Camera Point device, we can revamp our system of security cameras without using any teleporters! This system is quite useful for maps such as Among Us. ************ First, create a security cameras room. This will be where the player checks cameras. ![image|464x398, 75%](upload://lYDOz8D3Gj6rnrj0zHmIlnL9hta.png) Then, place a Camera Point device in each room you want. In my map, I have four rooms set up. Set Activate point when receiving on on each camera point device to something like "camRoom1", "camRoom4", etc. You can change the channel names so it's suitable for your map. ![image|690x340, 75%](upload://dN6b2llTccaVWFUSCX6Q7XWyTud.png) ![image|690x219, 50%](upload://7ra4BaO2xnORfIYImxB5LIvm7KO.png) Go back to your security cameras room, and place a non-visible button in the room. Wire this button to a game overlay with the overlay type as "Button", overlay text as "Next". Now, place down a counter with the starting value as one, Count Scope as player, and a property named "cam" (short for camera) with the Property Scope also as player. The counter needs to be set so it updates the property. Wire the game overlay to the counter (Increment counter). ![image|495x500, 75%](upload://qhZl6IpkCYuZYCRN96nD0wKnmaM.jpeg) Place down a trigger, with Active Scope "player" and Trigger by Player Collision to "No". Wire the game overlay to the trigger. In the trigger's blocks, follow this code: ![image|690x296, 75%](upload://7Yb4vVwxkk1YXdZV8WUWIiA4OLr.png) We now have the code to switch the cameras accordingly in order, but not back. Copy that game overlay, with the overlay text to "Back". Wire that game overlay to the counter (Decrement counter), and wire it to the trigger. You should be able to go back and forth between cameras now. After that, copy another game overlay, with the overlay text to "Exit Cameras", When button clicked, transmit on "camBack". Make sure the overlay position is different from the previous one. Wire the non-visible button to that game overlay. Click on the previous game overlay and also set When button clicked, transmit on "camBack". You should have this by now: ![image|667x500, 75%](upload://2upUxSRBSb33bypYHDPdA6D0XPE.jpeg) Then, go back to each camera point device, and set Deactivate point when receiving on to also "camBack". Test the game. Now, you should have a working camera system that can be easily customized and used in maps! ------------------------- chrysostom | 2024-05-16 10:02:30 UTC | #2 great guide! I was thinking about his when the device game out... just couldn't get myself to make it... btw how did you upload the video? ------------------------- justagimba | 2024-05-16 10:09:59 UTC | #3 Nice guide! You should probably mention that camera views affect the camera point device, so the camera point can only point inside the area of the camera view. edit: Nvm, I checked the [**raw link**]( It’s a link to a video creating site, I think it just oneboxed the video. ``` ``` ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 10:10:23 UTC | #4 [quote="justagimba, post:3, topic:54998"] You should probably mention that camera views affect the camera point device, so the camera point can only point inside the area of the camera view. [/quote] Does that work? I tried it earlier, it didn't affect the camera viewpoint. (thanks for explaining the video embed by the way) ------------------------- justagimba | 2024-05-16 10:15:14 UTC | #5 Oh, never mind it didn’t work. It was probably a misunderstanding in my map. I wish they’d add a feature to make the Camera Point a zone-type device so we’d be able to change the size of the camera. ------------------------- BreathTaking | 2024-05-16 10:21:32 UTC | #6 Nice job utilizing the new devices! I might use this. ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 11:38:30 UTC | #7 (post deleted by author) ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:13:42 UTC | #8 it dosnt work at all at me ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 14:21:14 UTC | #9 What are your having problems with in the system? Can you send a screenshot of your setup? @Axo27635 ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:31:32 UTC | #10 ok I'll send it friend ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:36:56 UTC | #11 ![Screenshot 2024-05-16 10.35.04 AM|594x474](upload://vzDKQzSGB9pNrQ5QQfcc3YPQkQW.png) ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:37:23 UTC | #12 and all my camera points go from camRoom1 to camRoom12 ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 14:40:30 UTC | #13 Have you made it so one game overlay increments the counter, and one decrements the counter? ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:42:10 UTC | #14 no I reset the whole thing cause it didn't work one bit ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:42:28 UTC | #15 only next works tho... ------------------------- lando_1 | 2024-05-16 14:43:19 UTC | #16 bro, there can now be a fully working FNAF right? ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 14:44:37 UTC | #17 In my setup, you wire the Next game overlay to the counter as Increment counter, and you wire the Back game overlay to the counter as Decrement counter. Make sure the overlay position are different on each game overlay. ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:47:59 UTC | #18 and what are the wire settings for the overlays ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 14:56:59 UTC | #19 (post deleted by author) ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 14:53:06 UTC | #20 You're not allowed to share codes on here. You can do that on Discord or the Wix. Delete that post. ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 15:08:03 UTC | #21 but do I do show overlay or hide overlay? ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 15:09:23 UTC | #22 What part are you on? ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 15:12:47 UTC | #23 the first overlay part, ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 15:16:48 UTC | #24 Show overlay. ------------------------- PhoenixWander | 2024-05-16 15:42:45 UTC | #25 now we just need screen filters, for like static or somethin and we'd be golden ------------------------- Bruh2 | 2024-05-16 16:13:44 UTC | #26 Now all we need is a better pop up and maybe a voting system XD ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 16:37:53 UTC | #27 ok and what about the second and third overlay? ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 16:55:05 UTC | #28 it doesn't work can you just explain everything please ------------------------- I_Am_Bigfoot | 2024-05-16 16:59:17 UTC | #29 Interesting design, great use of the new device! ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-16 17:00:36 UTC | #30 what do you mean? IT DOESNT EVN WANNA WORK FOR ME? ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-16 23:33:43 UTC | #31 Try creating a new help topic. More people can help you then. ------------------------- Coolcaden26 | 2024-05-17 00:10:52 UTC | #32 [quote="EggNoodle, post:1, topic:54998"] place a non-visible [/quote] you could've said invisible :skull: also the video is invaild :sob: ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-17 02:05:15 UTC | #33 I did 😐 what do you mean can’t you just explain it to me??? ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-17 03:17:55 UTC | #34 [quote="Coolcaden26, post:32, topic:54998"] also the video is invaild :sob: [/quote] The video works fine for me, not sure about your end though. [quote="Axo27635, post:33, topic:54998"] can’t you just explain it to me??? [/quote] Button that is wired to game overlays that are used to navigate between cameras, with the work of a counter, a property and block code from a trigger. ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-17 15:22:44 UTC | #35 cant you just j0in my game to check it? it would probably be more helpful ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-17 15:24:40 UTC | #36 @EggNoodle , this is EXACTLY what I needed. I was confused about how to use this device and here it is. Thank you, this is a great guide. ------------------------- Axo27635 | 2024-05-17 17:06:43 UTC | #37 just explain to me every single thing ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-22 17:23:16 UTC | #40 ok yeah I cant send videos. here's just a SS of wjhat I have ![Screenshot 2024-05-21 4.39.00 PM|453x434](upload://6AeHZiuDDz5jChEwEk56YasE9RY.png) @EggNoodle don't wanna bother you but this kinda just rots in my game until I finish so could you reveiw this .help soon please ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 03:37:47 UTC | #41 @OrangeBike What isn't working for you? ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:40:30 UTC | #42 I click the button and it just .does nothing ,also the Next Back Exit Camera buttons appear as soon as I load in without me doing anything ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 03:41:44 UTC | #43 For the game overlays, set show on game start to No. Does the counter update a player scoped & number type property? ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:43:40 UTC | #44 (post deleted by author because he didn't type fast enough) ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:42:25 UTC | #45 yeah I'm pretty sure axo just made the property type text or something lol ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:45:07 UTC | #46 umm can you explain this more I don't get what it means (first time using counter...) ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:46:13 UTC | #48 yes, the count scope is player ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 03:46:15 UTC | #49 In the counter's settings there should be a tab (called "Property" (?). That's where you set up so it updates a property. ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:47:00 UTC | #50 oops I didnt comprehend the "and" correctly :melting_face: mb ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:47:39 UTC | #51 in the property's settings is the property scope set to player? is the property type, number? ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:47:58 UTC | #52 property to update is cam and update property is yes ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:50:42 UTC | #53 sorry, property type? we are talking about the counter yes? I dont see a property type ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:51:36 UTC | #54 in the *property's* settings not the counter's ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:52:52 UTC | #55 Oh ! yeah I never placed down a property............. ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:54:21 UTC | #56 i'm not making fun of you jsyk; that's the biggest bruh moment i've ever experienced in the forums... you *always* need to make sure to follow a guide as it says cause 1 detail can cause the whole system to break. ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:54:57 UTC | #57 [quote="EggNoodle, post:1, topic:54998"] a property named “cam” (short for camera) with the Property Scope also as player. The counter needs to be set so it updates the property. Wire the game overlay to the counter (Increment counter). [/quote] this is the property stuff ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:55:17 UTC | #58 Iswear I didn't see it. and if I did I thought it was talking about the property in the counter, again, never used counter before ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:56:06 UTC | #59 umm its still not working .very possible I'm missing more stuff ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-24 03:57:46 UTC | #60 re-read the guide 10 times and make fixes. if it still doesn't work someone will get back to you tomorrow cuz it's bed time for me! g'night ~ ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 03:58:20 UTC | #61 alr, I'll remake it and see if it works this time, gn ------------------------- OrangeBike | 2024-05-24 04:11:27 UTC | #62 I um. did only EXACTLY what the guide said and it worked even worse,.,.,., I can wait until tmr ------------------------- BobTheGOD | 2024-05-24 05:40:26 UTC | #63 Nice guide I really liked it! 👍 (Too bad I don’t use block code 🥲) ------------------------- Spaceking | 2024-05-24 09:27:25 UTC | #64 bro this giving me amogus feelings ------------------------- buang | 2024-05-24 10:57:20 UTC | #65 this would be big for among us maps and fnaf maps ------------------------- wait.what.626Youtube | 2024-05-24 11:00:17 UTC | #66 [quote="PhoenixWander, post:25, topic:54998, full:true"] now we just need screen filters, for like static or somethin and we’d be golden [/quote] maybe we can use barriers that alternate on and off, and make them only appear for the player that enters the camera system. ------------------------- CustomCoaster | 2024-05-24 11:54:22 UTC | #67 You CAN cut down memory a little bit by using block code a bit more. just remove the counter that updates the property "cam" and increment it in the block code instead (by 1). Use a IF block to check if the property value is greater than 12, if it is, reset it back to 1. This essentially cuts down memory by 40. ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 12:37:27 UTC | #68 I thought about that while making the guide. I couldn't get it to work though, so I used a counter instead. ------------------------- CustomCoaster | 2024-05-24 12:40:30 UTC | #69 Can I show you some pics about that? *Gasp* I think of big brain... ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 12:40:54 UTC | #70 If you insist. ------------------------- CustomCoaster | 2024-05-24 12:42:24 UTC | #71 Thanks! [spoiler]^[aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] is THIS what you put for your hidden text?[/spoiler] ------------------------- yaypoke624x | 2024-05-24 14:07:26 UTC | #72 From what I'm understanding, it doesn't work if the button is in a camera view. Am I right? ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-05-24 14:11:58 UTC | #73 Yes, you're right. It's really confusing though. ------------------------- LuckyCheeseburgers89 | 2024-05-24 14:18:11 UTC | #74 I tried doing this but it doesn't show the cameras for me. ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-24 16:55:11 UTC | #75 @EggNoodle so mine isn't working. I think the problem is with the trigger. Do I have to directly put in the blocks that you picked? ------------------------- Charlee | 2024-05-24 21:45:27 UTC | #76 same I deleted all of it cause whenever i clicked it it didnt work 1 bit ------------------------- CustomCoaster | 2024-05-25 00:16:35 UTC | #77 Problem is i can't make a kinda more simple guide on this. :confused: ------------------------- Gimator | 2024-05-28 16:11:16 UTC | #78 The Camera Points don't Work ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-28 16:15:23 UTC | #79 people saying not work count: 4(maybe 5?) this worked fine for me so idk what is happening. ------------------------- Kosm0-o | 2024-05-28 16:15:38 UTC | #80 did you make sure the property was a number property? ------------------------- Gimator | 2024-05-28 16:19:34 UTC | #81 Yes I think it's the Camera Points that aren't working everything else works I feel like if you use a lot of memory then the Devices don't want to work. And i have 99% Memory. ------------------------- Gimator | 2024-05-28 20:01:26 UTC | #82 [quote="Gimator, post:78, topic:54998"] don’t Work [/quote] [quote="CyanTigerReigns, post:75, topic:54998"] mine isn’t working. [/quote] [quote="LuckyCheeseburgers89, post:74, topic:54998"] but it doesn’t show the cameras for me. [/quote] [quote="OrangeBike, post:59, topic:54998"] still not working [/quote] [quote="Axo27635, post:28, topic:54998"] it doesn’t work [/quote] Guys I know Why it dosen't work for some people. If you Use it in a camera Zone then It dosen't Work If you remove the Camera Zone and it still dose not work then you didn't follow the Guide right. ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-28 20:06:10 UTC | #83 Oh ok. That should help. Thank you! ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-28 20:07:33 UTC | #84 Wait, I don't have a camera zone in there. ------------------------- Gimator | 2024-05-28 20:55:15 UTC | #85 Did you follow Every thing like the guide said? There are also somethings you need to do that the Guide didn't say. ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-29 14:49:16 UTC | #86 Probably not. Idk what happened :person_shrugging: ------------------------- Gimator | 2024-05-29 14:50:23 UTC | #87 Oh if I were you I would Remove everything you placed for this guide and then do it again ------------------------- CyanTigerReigns | 2024-05-29 14:50:47 UTC | #88 Yeah I'll try and doing that. ------------------------- BMW23 | 2024-05-29 15:03:09 UTC | #89 Cool guide! ------------------------- MuffinMan | 2024-06-04 20:43:40 UTC | #90 The video is a helpful preview to people who are looking for an idea of what the system looks like, and a final product. Nice addition, @EggNoodle! ------------------------- NovaTheHorrid | 2024-08-15 15:19:20 UTC | #91 bump ------------------------- B1NARYC0DE | 2024-08-20 15:18:33 UTC | #92 THANK YOU JOSH FOR THE CAMERA FEATURE! -------------------------