reliefr | 2024-04-29 20:36:37 UTC | #1 [Inspired partially by things said by @CringeKarlScott] Hi. I've been reading on this forum for a while now without an account, and, as we all know well, there are a lot of problems. I think the biggest one is hypocrisy. It causes, like, everything. But first, another perspective. [quote=wingwave] A forum is based on the necessity of help. People need help. It’s a fact. But people don’t need help about everything. The people of the GKC community don’t seem to need help anymore, don’t want help, or don’t know where to ask for help. Because of this, they make their carppy old games and publish them to Discovery. That’s why most of the Discovery games are how you see them. People don’t ask for suggestions or help. They just publish the most random junk. The thing is, these forums are for just that. They’re so that people can give others feedback about their work in GKC. No offense to new users, but you’re not thinking big enough. Think bigger than big! Think outside the box! How did Blackhole927 think up bitwise operations? How would the May-July forums thrive and survive, even during the summer? That’s because people had questions. They thought big. BIG. It seems that no one is asking for that anymore. If that’s so, I can assume that there are no more questions and aren’t going to be many worthwhile chances anymore. Also, you may be asking, why all those thumbnail posts? I have another theory for that. Because people don’t have anything to say on the forums anymore, they post about something sort of related. Then, they can ask questions related to GKC. But is it? But this little writing isn’t about that. I’ll cover that sometime in the future, one day. Because of all this, I presume that the forums don’t need help anymore. Most questions are quickly resolved by others. [/quote] This is the biggest reason that the forum is dying. I agree with this. Well, actually, it's this, paired with one other thing. First, you've got what wingwave has said: people just don't need any help anymore. So with that in mind, you'd think the forum would just be kind of still, with no new topics, right? Well, as you know, that's not the case. And that's for two major reasons: Off-topic posting, and hypocrisy. First comes the off-topic posting. People haven't yet read the forum rules, so they don't know what's allowed and what's not. They make, say, a thumbnail request post, and people explain to them that it's not allowed. Generally, they acknowledge their mistake and close the topic. This is okay. It's not a problem.... **Then comes the hypocrisy.** People who **have** read the forum rules and know exactly what they're doing come along and see the new users' posts. Immediately, they think: "Wait, this person got to make a thumbnail request post! Why can't I? I know they got told not to do it again, but can't I make just one?" So they make just one. Maybe they even actually stop at just one. (they usually don't) Immediately, they're told that what they're doing is against the rules. But... (here comes the hypocrisy) [quote="LEPRECON2024, post:8, topic:49182, full:true"] People do it ALL the time! [/quote] [quote="Chris10, post:18, topic:49179, full:true"] bro people have made thumbnail requests all over the forums and I haven’t seen **anyone** say: “flag this because it’s against the rules” (sorry for probably being rude…) [/quote] [quote="Dragon_Tamer, post:56, topic:49063, full:true"] I am doing this purely what i saw other people do. [/quote] [quote="Oso567, post:4, topic:49074, full:true"] What? So many people have done voting for thumbnails, it is not off-topic. [/quote] [quote="Fulcrum-19, post:3, topic:49074, full:true"] Um, what do you mean? These happen all the time. [/quote] [quote="Fulcrum-19, post:6, topic:49074, full:true"] Interesting. Still don’t care. These happen all the time. [/quote] To summarize, **people justify their own bad behavior by pinning the blame on other people who did the same thing.** WhereIsMyCrown gives a good interpretation of it here: [quote="WhereIsMyCrown, post:26, topic:49179, full:true"] [someone does something iIIegal and gets away with it] [you do the same thing later] *a few days later* **IN THE COURT OF LAW** Plead your case: You: Well, someone else did it, and they didn’t get arrested, so neither should I. Judge: Yes, but it says right here in the law book thing “Things that aren’t about building in Gimkit Creative will be removed” You: Shut up judge. [/quote] And that's exactly what's happening here. Now, to go more in-depth (credit to [the guardian]( **You think you're better than others.** Humans aren’t cold logical robots, and we typically have a higher opinion of ourselves than is warranted. Most humans have a self-serving bias, where we evaluate our own abilities and performance far more highly than is actually the case. People who achieve a certain level of intellectual achievement in certain contexts can reverse this, but we mostly think overly-well of ourselves. It’s no surprise; the brain is riddled with cognitive and memory biases that are geared towards making us feel like we’re good and decent and capable, no matter what the reality. The problem is that our judgements of other people are far more “realistic”. In some cases, this can lead to hypocrisy. A pilot would be well within her rights to stop an untrained person from assuming control of a plane, even though she does that all the time. This isn’t hypocrisy, this is simple acknowledgement of ability. Likewise, some people may tell others to do something and not do it themselves because they genuinely think they don’t *need* to do it, but the other inferior people need to be told. Not very nice, granted. May even not be a conscious decision. But it’s also not *deliberate* hypocrisy, if you look at it that way. Not that this makes any difference to the outcome, as far as most are concerned. ### But why are people hypocritical in the first place? ## Well, it's just easier. The problem with practising what you preach, or maintaining a high moral standard, is it’s *work*. You tell people to give money to charity or abstain from certain indulgences, this means you have to do these things too. But what if you just *said* you do these things, but didn’t? You get all the benefits of people thinking you’re a good and capable person, but you don’t have to practice any restraint. It’s win-win. An example of this is on Wikipedia. Every year, they make an effort to get donations, as they run purely off of them. And guess what? In the popup that asks you to donate, there's an "I already donated" button. It thanks you for donating and gets rid of the popups for you for two weeks. Again, you get all the benefits of people thinking you’re a good and capable person, but you don’t have to practice any restraint. Humans are prone to the principal of least effort, often known as the “path of least resistance”, which means they’ll go for whatever option requires the least work. Hypocrisy allows you to appear principled without having to be so, which is much easier than adhering to strict principles. Modern politicians seem to have grasped this fact, making big speeches about all the great things they’ll do and then never doing any of them. Given how they seldom seem to suffer any consequences for their hypocrisy being revealed (i.e. any political event of 2016), why would they stop? So yeah. If you read all of this and learned something, thank you. I won't ask for likes or anything, it's not like they do anything. I might ask that you quote this and share it when needed, because this wisdom is really something everyone here needs. I hope this doesn't cause any conflict. Thank you, and goodbye. Edit: fixed some grammar and formatting mistakes, and added a paragraph on an example of hypocrisy on Wikipedia. Also, 16 quotes already! Thanks for sharing the wisdom, everyone! And 143 views? Clearly I've delivered my message. Thanks for all the support! Unfortunately, this topic has been closed (temporarily, luckily) as I expected, but for now, we can use @LlamaLady22's wiki reply! Thanks :] Edit 2: Wow, this was flagged and hidden (for a bit). I did expect this, and honestly, it took longer than I expected. ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-05-03 22:57:59 UTC | #2 i completely agree. this needed to be said. i couldn't have said it better myself. edit: for people who are just arriving now and seeing it hidden, you can read the whole guide [here]( ------------------------- reliefr | 2024-04-27 15:44:42 UTC | #3 you were my biggest inspiration for this <3 ------------------------- T_Sonic54 | 2024-04-27 15:46:18 UTC | #4 Absolutely beautiful. Nobody could have said it like you. ------------------------- Blackhole927 | 2024-04-27 15:48:52 UTC | #5 Epic post/guide/commentary or whatever this is, very well written. ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-04-27 15:49:09 UTC | #6 I 100% agree. Could have not been said better. ------------------------- speedy_kd4 | 2024-04-27 15:49:07 UTC | #7 well said @reliefr. ------------------------- Blackhole927 | 2024-04-27 15:49:44 UTC | #8 That being said unless the mods start enforcing a thumbnail requests ban, based on previous patterns on the forum, nothings gonna happen :pensive: ------------------------- reliefr | 2024-04-27 15:50:46 UTC | #9 That is partially true. For now, though, we must do what we can to show the users how they can be better. ------------------------- LEPRECON2024 | 2024-04-27 15:51:02 UTC | #11 @CringeKarlScott Again, I'm really sorry for calling you out..I feel AWFUL for what I said. I wont do it again. :) ------------------------- Unstable | 2024-04-27 15:52:18 UTC | #12 Interesting and well-written speech calling out how problematic certain elements of the forums are. Too bad it's going to last 30 minutes tops, because most of these kids don't wanna hear the truth. Good luck on your future endeavours, I guess. ------------------------- Fulcrum-19 | 2024-04-27 18:34:11 UTC | #13 Thumbnails are a part of making your Gimkit Creative map. I don't know why all of the sudden they're against the rules. But ok. Do what you wish, I'm gonna stick to helping with devices. [quote="WhereIsMyCrown, post:84, topic:48617, full:true"] even though thumbnails aren’t allowed, maybe we could let this one be? I mean it’s for a pretty popular game… [/quote] Also, tell me that **↑THIS↑** is not hypocrisy. **And guess what??? This is off topic as well!!!** @LEPRECON2024 @Oso567 Lets flag it. But I'm done, I will not be replying to other comments. Flagged because it was off topic? This entire "#community-made-guides" post is off topic. This is not based off of Gimkit creative in any way shape or form. Now this community is false flagging me, because this was off topic, even though it is a fair argument against this post? :roll_eyes: Don't flag my post as off topic, flag this post as off topic. ------------------------- Unstable | 2024-05-03 18:32:19 UTC | #14 [quote="Fulcrum-19, post:13, topic:49198"] Thumbnails are a part of making your Gimkit Creative map. [/quote] No? They're kinda not at all. You aren't placing a thumbnail, you aren't doing heavy work to create a perfect thumbnail that people will have fun playing, you aren't making a thumbnail in gimkit creative. It's a side project at best. ------------------------- eiqcrmeliutgwhc | 2024-04-27 15:57:36 UTC | #15 yes. this post gud. and i feel like cello getting silenced is also a (no offense to the mods) sign of possible c0rruption because he just said "your life isn't allowed here" and yet, there are people that are worse and they didn't get punished. like, people are hypocrites and yet, who gets punished?! it's the one who barely did anything also, there's a reason why i like eggnoodle and cringe so much: they're actually honest ------------------------- T_Sonic54 | 2024-04-27 15:54:11 UTC | #16 Btw just incase no one told you, welcome to the forums @reliefr Where the only place that is worse than this is Twitter. ------------------------- reliefr | 2024-04-27 15:54:25 UTC | #17 Yeah, that's a good example of hypocrisy. I will say once and only once that thumbnails are a separate thing, but I don't want to start much conflict so I won't respond much to these kinds of posts. Goodbye. ------------------------- cs3112583 | 2024-04-27 15:55:13 UTC | #18 I came back just to like this post… bye y’all (again). ------------------------- WhereIsMyCrown | 2024-04-27 15:56:26 UTC | #19 THIS IS FANTASTIC! 100000000% agreed. ------------------------- Unstable | 2024-04-27 15:57:34 UTC | #20 [quote="T_Sonic54, post:16, topic:49198"] Where the only place that is worse than this is Twitter. [/quote] Nah, because the twitter has teachers on it who know what they're doing. ------------------------- T_Sonic54 | 2024-04-27 15:59:05 UTC | #21 Unfortunately, I can't argue with facts. ------------------------- speedy_kd4 | 2024-04-27 15:58:55 UTC | #22 i love how many people agree with this topic. pretty much everybody is on the same page here, which is something very rare on this website. ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 15:59:47 UTC | #23 wisdom like this brings people together :] ------------------------- Unstable | 2024-04-27 16:01:20 UTC | #25 Goes to show how well it's going. And also very worrying for me as someone who wants the best for this place seeing how most people would agree that something desperately needs to change. alright I'm going back to working on my map, I don't wanna get banned from this community as a whole over this. ------------------------- getrithekd | 2024-04-27 16:01:14 UTC | #27 Just as a warning, don't make hypocrite be a label like flag warriors. ------------------------- Taylor_Swift_Lover13 | 2024-04-27 16:05:00 UTC | #28 Very well said, I 100% agree. But we really can't stop it, unless we get staff involved ------------------------- Blackhole927 | 2024-04-27 16:05:53 UTC | #29 I see no problems here. ![IMG_7502|690x381](upload://qI7ma4pLTjW2Xti8s2AHl9lYnqa.png) ------------------------- getrithekd | 2024-04-27 16:06:53 UTC | #30 You might want to compare the number of actual help before and now. ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:07:56 UTC | #32 noooo @GimSolver why are you trying to move this?? everyone here, save this before it gets flagged, so we can quote it later ------------------------- Taylor_Swift_Lover13 | 2024-04-27 16:07:47 UTC | #34 I've already copied the raw of this post and put it somewhere safe ------------------------- EggNoodle | 2024-04-27 16:08:09 UTC | #35 Woah, just that image describes the sheer amount of thumbnail requests and shows the actual amount of actual questions with help in GKC. ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:08:37 UTC | #36 dang, this is deep. Today, I had some thoughts about leaving. I put that piece of text in my bio, thinking, 'hope someone sees this.' And it did. i have no words. Maybe the forums do have hope @Taylor_Swift_Lover13 cough cough j cough t ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:09:07 UTC | #37 agreed. i had the same reaction, to be honest. ------------------------- The_Time-Keeper | 2024-04-27 16:09:14 UTC | #38 Beautiful speech. :smiling_face_with_tear: ------------------------- speedy_kd4 | 2024-04-27 16:12:20 UTC | #39 [quote="Blackhole927, post:8, topic:49198, full:true"] That being said unless the mods start enforcing a thumbnail requests ban, based on previous patterns on the forum, nothings gonna happen :pensive: [/quote] this is very true. I feel like when pharlain became active she focused on banning the off topic posters, which was a problem but not as severe as the thumbnail topics. if she had focused on removing those instead, things would be a lot better. ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:12:35 UTC | #40 Can we just all take a moment and breathe, forgot what's going on in the forums, and take these words in? This goes for everyone, both to-thumbnail creators and OGs. if a new user can do this, so can everyone else (no offense to new users, i think they're amazing). ------------------------- Zane7655 | 2024-04-27 16:13:13 UTC | #41 Agreed! However, hypocrisy is when someone says to do or not do something and then they go against what they said, not doing something just because someone else did it. Take no offense to this (though I don't think you will because you sound like a logical person) just letting you know for the future! :+1: ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:13:54 UTC | #42 agreed. (keep in mind that this person did say they were reading here for a while before they posted this though, so they're not really a new user, not like most new users anyway) ------------------------- CassiusDoomlorde | 2024-04-27 16:13:57 UTC | #43 [quote="Zane7655, post:41, topic:49198"] doing something just because someone else did it [/quote] Yeah that's just being a :sheep: or a :parrot:. ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:15:48 UTC | #44 reliefr, you are amazing. just 3 more likes guys, get this guy great topic in under an hour! also he needs new user of the month ------------------------- Blackfox45666 | 2024-04-27 16:16:48 UTC | #45 Surprisingly good topic for someone who joined 2 hours ago ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:17:22 UTC | #46 well they did say they had been reading for a while without an account already ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:17:23 UTC | #47 remember, its rigged, so dont expect it it never goes right Anyway, I might actually come back to the forums. if some stuff gets cleared up ------------------------- Ali-DaWolf | 2024-04-27 16:17:35 UTC | #48 Yeah, I agree ------------------------- harharharhar83 | 2024-04-27 16:17:56 UTC | #49 I agree that thumbnail requests were flooding #help, stopping people who need help from actually getting help. However what I do not agree with is the entire ban of Thumbnail request. I even wrote an email to about the flooding of the help section and proposing a new section for stuff like Requests. Pharlain responded with this: ![image|600x439](upload://zT2Wi0kLygeKTEhqLwDr163ARJ5.png) (Don't mind me blocking out my name) ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:18:02 UTC | #50 yeah nuotm is given if you have likes from the mods right? ------------------------- speedy_kd4 | 2024-04-27 16:18:26 UTC | #51 one of the few times im glad new user of the month is rigged, @reliefr totally deserves it. ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:18:39 UTC | #52 sorta ------------------------- reliefr | 2024-04-27 16:18:41 UTC | #53 that's awesome! you are one of the heroes who will save this forum. ------------------------- CringeKarlScott | 2024-04-27 16:19:02 UTC | #54 like is it automatic or by an algorithm ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:19:14 UTC | #55 No, *you* are the hero who will save this forum. You are the bringer of hope (in my eyes). ------------------------- CassiusDoomlorde | 2024-04-27 16:19:19 UTC | #56 Not necessarily. Sunflower was able to force NUOTM for @RektRainbow, and that's mostly regulars. ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:19:29 UTC | #57 dunno like i said, its weird and rigged ------------------------- max1 | 2024-04-27 16:24:55 UTC | #58 25 is the amount needed for the nice/good topic badge right? If so, congrats :] This is very true Also, Cassius Doomlorde, getting releifr NUOTM would be harder than getting Rekt NUOTM, releifr has only a couple posts to like, Rekt had quite a few posts to like ------------------------- kyro | 2024-04-27 16:34:06 UTC | #61 Creating thumbnails is a part of advertising and clickbait, thus it isn't necessary for a game -- it's literally borderline "Gimkit Creative", and no, it's not "suddenly" against the rules, it always was in the first place, and I'd know this more than anybody else here. Either way, we ***REALLY*** don't need thousands of thumbnail posts flooding the site and it doesn't hurt just to make one by yourself anyway. Like, I get it, the forums is a place to ask for help, but you should be asking people to create something for you -- asking for tips on how to actually create these thumbnails is much more beneficial rather than just piling and piling on other information that is actually helpful to the people here, and asking someone to just create something for you doesn't help anybody learn anything. Intrinsically, this isn't even bad either, but you're just gathering all of these posts which take away from the essence of basically everything else here. If you just cannot fathom the idea of doing your own work and learning from it, just commission them elsewhere that doesn't create distractions from the reason that these forums were made (which is to actually help people learn about Gimkit Creative), which I've yet to see any thumbnail help post do and I've tried. (also ello wingwave!!) ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:33:54 UTC | #62 hi isac!!! ------------------------- Random_dude123 | 2024-04-27 16:34:56 UTC | #63 Wow! all of that typing really shows your commitment! If you keep doing this, things could change! ------------------------- speedy_kd4 | 2024-04-27 16:44:51 UTC | #64 [quote="kyro, post:61, topic:49198"] Creating thumbnails is a part of advertising and clickbait, [/quote] hang on a sec, thumbnail requests are technically advertising, (forum wise) which is against the rules. think about it, the people who participated in making a thumbnail, or voted for one will know the winner of it. they will know that the game has that specific thumbnail. in addition, the artists will have to know the name of the game, therefore it is advertising. i've actually had this idea in my head for a while now, I think this is the right time to share it. edit: welp, it got flagged. see you guys when it opens! ------------------------- CassiusDoomlorde | 2024-04-27 16:40:49 UTC | #65 This is so good we're having a watch party. ------------------------- RektRainbow | 2024-04-27 16:43:16 UTC | #66 tho there is the #art-request and #thumbnail tag tho thumbnail tag got nothing [details=""] who let @reliefr cook 😭 this is beautiful [/details] ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-27 16:41:25 UTC | #67 discord watch party *with music* ------------------------- system | 2024-04-27 16:42:55 UTC | #69 This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags. ------------------------- system | 2024-04-29 16:47:04 UTC | #70 This topic was automatically opened after 2 days. ------------------------- WhereIsMyCrown | 2024-04-29 16:54:28 UTC | #71 Guys, it reopened, meaning the mods cleared the flags... but... the OP is still flagged, I think it's gone... :cry: ------------------------- Blackfox45666 | 2024-04-29 16:55:12 UTC | #72 well they didn't remove the original post yet so that shows something atleast ------------------------- CassiusDoomlorde | 2024-04-29 16:55:22 UTC | #73 Please just let it be. Let's not get it closed again. ------------------------- Cellofive | 2024-04-29 17:23:04 UTC | #74 I couldn't say this earlier (because I was silenced) But I completely agree with this topic ------------------------- vqnillaxx | 2024-04-29 17:23:36 UTC | #75 Does anyone have the raw of this topic, or can someone sum it up? I didn't get to read this before it was flagged. ------------------------- GimNo0b | 2024-04-29 17:23:45 UTC | #76 I just want to know what will the thumbnail artist do if the thumbnail ban is enforced by mods? ------------------------- Blackhole927 | 2024-04-29 17:24:40 UTC | #77 They will go find somewhere else to make thumbnails. ------------------------- Cellofive | 2024-04-29 17:24:51 UTC | #78 ------------------------- vqnillaxx | 2024-04-29 17:27:38 UTC | #79 Thanks. :heart: (I ran out of likes) ------------------------- reliefr | 2024-04-29 17:57:12 UTC | #80 They will make their own thumbnails, or go somewhere else to beg for them. ------------------------- Trasch | 2024-04-29 18:03:19 UTC | #81 what is this topic i cant see it ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:05:10 UTC | #82 If everybody just make their own thumbnails, 1. we artists won't be overworked 3. they have their thumbnail without cluttering up the forums 2. community happy. yay ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:07:37 UTC | #83 [quote="VoidFluffy, post:82, topic:49198"] community happy. yay [/quote] this is the most significant one reliefr wouldn't have to swoop in and bring us back from the claws of death p.s. thanks reliefr this shouldn't have gotten flagged ------------------------- Michaelbob | 2024-04-29 18:27:35 UTC | #84 Not saying that this is wrong, just providing another perspective. Some people (like me) aren't good at making thumbnails or don't know a good website for it, and AI generators are pretty bad. I'd say the best solution to fix this would be to make a whole separate section for thumbnails (like how there's a help section, community made guides section, etc.) ------------------------- DriftUknown_YT | 2024-04-29 18:28:46 UTC | #85 why flagged? ------------------------- Trasch | 2024-04-29 18:28:49 UTC | #86 there could be a separate section completely, aside from the normal forums maybe? ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:28:54 UTC | #87 At this point, you should have literally *hundreds* of thumbnail websites. People have listed. them. You literally have the power of the *internet*. Search up the words ' thumbnail maker.' . Wow, amazing. ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:29:15 UTC | #88 you can practice and improve using guides like Kat_aronii's and M1dnight's. Also, if you want someone else to make one, you can just email someone off the forums. A new section usually = new problems that come with them. ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:29:50 UTC | #89 [quote="wingwave, post:87, topic:49198"] Search up the words ’ thumbnail maker.’ . Wow, amazing. [/quote] will wonders never cease. ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:30:06 UTC | #90 rela ------------------------- DriftUknown_YT | 2024-04-29 18:30:38 UTC | #91 why is it flagged? it was so gooog ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:31:02 UTC | #92 ? ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:31:33 UTC | #93 Oh, rela means real. It's a discord joke. WhoAmI misspelled real and it became something insane. ------------------------- DriftUknown_YT | 2024-04-29 18:31:31 UTC | #94 the post ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:31:52 UTC | #95 oh, lol. I wish I was allowed to use Discord :( ------------------------- DriftUknown_YT | 2024-04-29 18:32:11 UTC | #96 off topic (not mean no offence) ------------------------- Michaelbob | 2024-04-29 18:32:14 UTC | #97 Again, [quote="Michaelbob, post:84, topic:49198"] AI generators are pretty bad. [/quote] ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:32:55 UTC | #98 There's websites without AI generation. For example, Canva, Acrobat. Just search up 'thumbnail website' and look at the wonders of the internet. ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:34:03 UTC | #99 I personally just draw them out using apps like IbisPaint, Flipaclip, sometimes Procreate (but I have to use my friend's iPad) You can learn to use apps etc using [this super helpful guide]( ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:34:42 UTC | #100 Okay, now the off-topic's becoming off-topic. At least stay on-topic about the forums. ------------------------- Michaelbob | 2024-04-29 18:35:18 UTC | #101 [quote="Michaelbob, post:84, topic:49198"] Some people (like me) aren’t good at making thumbnails [/quote] Yeah... I've tried canva. ------------------------- Coolcaden26 | 2024-04-29 18:36:33 UTC | #102 Why was this post flagged? ------------------------- DriftUknown_YT | 2024-04-29 18:36:49 UTC | #103 SAME ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:37:16 UTC | #104 Alright, let's bring the conversation back around. I think reliefr is going to get nuotm (likes per post + just saving everything) ------------------------- wingwave | 2024-04-29 18:37:42 UTC | #105 If you guys want to read this post again, go here: ------------------------- VoidFluffy | 2024-04-29 18:37:51 UTC | #106 Some people decided that it was off topic and spoke badly of them, so to save what little reputation they have, they put down the person who was actually right. ------------------------- Coolcaden26 | 2024-04-29 18:38:30 UTC | #107 They were too mad about the truth smh ------------------------- Fruity-Gim | 2024-04-29 18:38:50 UTC | #108 Some people need thumbnails because they really can’t make thumbnails. When I first came on, I was genuinely shocked by the low quality of it. (Sorry if I seem rude, but it’s my opinion…) So it would really benefit if it was somewhere else, but just as accessible as the forums. The wix does that, but not everyone can make an account (e.g blocked on school ipad) That’s not saying that this post is bad (on the contrary, it tells the blunt truth - thank goodness!!) but that thumbnails should go somewhere else. -------------------------