gimkit_h4ck3r | 2024-02-01 16:10:47 UTC | #1 I recently saw that the post had a TOC that had links that take you to different parts of the page. Anyone know how to do this? I'm assuming it uses some type of HTML code. ------------------------- Haiasi | 2023-12-23 12:45:03 UTC | #2 If you see the [**rawed**]( post, it seems that it links parts of the post depending on the Topic ID, content of the text you want to link with a dash (-) to the line/paragraph number. # [Paragraph 2]( ``` # [Paragraph 2]( ``` ___ Not sure if this works ------------------------- eiqcrmeliutgwhc | 2023-12-23 12:41:17 UTC | #3 # if you hover over this, you can see a hyperlink icon. Click it! ------------------------- gimkit_h4ck3r | 2023-12-23 16:34:08 UTC | #4 Both of these options work, thanks! ------------------------- tspentakota | 2023-12-23 16:52:30 UTC | #5 Mark a solution if your answer has been solved, @gimkit_h4ck3r ------------------------- gimkit_h4ck3r | 2023-12-23 16:53:52 UTC | #6 Sorry, I didn't know how to do that till I hovered over the solution button. ------------------------- tspentakota | 2023-12-23 16:54:18 UTC | #7 No, its alright, @gimkit_h4ck3r . I'm glad you're question got solved. ------------------------- system | 2023-12-23 19:54:31 UTC | #8 This topic was automatically closed 3 hours after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. -------------------------