cyco398 | 2023-12-18 21:18:41 UTC | #1 How do I make it where anyone can answer questions wherever they want, just like in tag? ------------------------- StacheIsTaken | 2023-12-18 21:19:36 UTC | #2 Overlay wired to a questioner. Questioner wired to a item granter. ------------------------- StacheIsTaken | 2023-12-18 21:20:06 UTC | #3 It's literally in the Gimkit Documentation. ------------------------- StacheIsTaken | 2023-12-18 21:25:49 UTC | #4 1. Place down a [Questioner]( device. 2. Place down a [Game Overlay]( device. ![icon|60x24]( The Game Overlay device allows you to display UI (user interface) above what’s happening in-game. It’s helpful for displaying info a player might need at all times, or in this case, allowing them to take action from anywhere! 3. Click the Game Overlay device to begin editing it. 4. Set the *************Overlay Type************* to ******Button****** ![image](upload://5E58SHm9l05KrijiTT2G2TnYNNP.jpeg) 5. Set where you want the button to be placed. In modes made by Gimkit, we use the bottom left corner; you might want to put your button there too! ![image](upload://1F9eZYty46SGVslQvj5fOlTgEaC.jpeg) 6. Set the text of the button! In modes made by Gimkit, we use *****************Answer Questions,***************** but you can set it to anything you’d like! ![image](upload://4kbL57cCeML4Df0iLXd1l6KxTz8.jpeg) 7. Connect a [wire]( starting from the Game Overlay device and ending at the Questioner device. 8. Set it so that when the button is pressed, the question-answering screen is opened. ![image](upload://o1NcaoVoqH0dys6WOL9XxRpHzeD.jpeg) And that’s it! Now you can travel wherever on your map and answer questions from anywhere! ------------------------- getrithekd | 2023-12-18 21:21:06 UTC | #5 No one looks there, just like no one looks at CMGs. ------------------------- StacheIsTaken | 2023-12-18 21:21:31 UTC | #6 Is CMG #community-made-guides ? ------------------------- getrithekd | 2023-12-18 21:23:38 UTC | #7 Yes. ------------------------- The_7th_Dragon | 2023-12-18 21:42:37 UTC | #8 hey, @cyco398 , remember to mark a solution! ------------------------- The_7th_Dragon | 2023-12-18 22:04:13 UTC | #10 Uhhh…what was that post? ------------------------- Haiasi | 2023-12-18 22:05:59 UTC | #11 [***Raw***]( it. ------------------------- system | 2023-12-19 01:05:46 UTC | #12 This topic was automatically closed 3 hours after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed. -------------------------